Hogwasher release notes.
The most significant changes for each new release of Hogwasher are listed below.
- Fixed hang when download connections switch from one nzb or subscription to another.
- Fixed column sizes not being preserved (hopefully once and for all).
- Several bug fixes.
- Fixed problem saving NZB files on MacOS Catalina.
- Updated iTunes integration features to work with the new Music app.
- Fixed incompatibility with news.newsdirect.com.
- Improved support for MacOS Catalina.
- Several bug fixes.
- Support for MacOS Catalina.
- Leading whitespace in messages is now preserved.
- Passwords embedded in nzb files are now used correctly.
- IPv6 is now fully supported.
- Several performance improvements (less rainbow cursor in large subscriptions).
- Fixed error -38 and -49 logged during downloads.
- Numerous bug fixes.
- Fixed column widths not being preserved.
- Fixed crash editing rules.
- Improved handling of obfuscated filenames in yEnc headers.
- New subscription options to automatically retrieve latest headers.
- Several bug fixes.
- Fixed certain toolbar buttons not working when in icon-only mode.
- Added new message filter, Unread Thread, for showing complete threads containing unread messages.
- Rule criteria beyond the first twenty five are no longer ignored.
- Several bug fixes, including one causing frequent crashes for some users.
- Removed Growl support.
- New functionality in group lists, including display of header counts and subscribed groups.
- Fixed message deletions causing threads to be split into multiple sub-threads.
- Fixed Hogwasher Help not displaying since the last release.
- Fixed lone messages displaying thread marker rather than the subject when viewing unread messages.
- Fixed outgoing message edits lost when changing font.
- Fixed UI glitches on High Sierra (collapse/uncollapse all).
- Default User-Agent header will now be suppressed if one is provided in the custom header field.
- Fixed inability to save user data when running MacOS X.13 on an APFS volume.
- More improvements to subject analysis for accurately grouping files into collections.
- Fixed certain message content appearing twice with full headers.
- Fixed marking entire threads when the original root of the thread has been deleted.
- Fixed incorrect display of subject instead of thread marker when subject did not change.
- Changed Edit Subscription window to NSPanel unless option key is pressed.
- Fixed crash clearing subscription if thread window is open.
- Improved subject analysis for more accurate grouping of files into collections.
- Fixed potential crash displaying extremely large threads.
- Fixed potential crash executing location rules after file extraction.
- Improved handling of misnamed files when par2 checking and unpacking rar archives.
- Fixed sorting file collections by series.
- Fixed Group As Collection command for manually fixing incorrect file groupings.
- Numerous minor bug fixes and UI improvements.
- Fixed potential crash retrieving new headers.
- Fixed several memory leaks.
- Added "no new news" sound option in Preferences.
- Added "no new news" indicator to progress area.
- Hogwasher folder in Application Support/ can now be aliased.
- New uploading/downloading progress area in Browser window.
- Optional dark theme for Browser sidebar.
- Par2 will now rename incorrectly named archives before processing.
- Many bug fixes.
- The Forward message command now works as expected.
- Fixed problem whereby columns could get reordered and stuck in place.
- The More command will now first retrieve any excess headers skipped while getting the Latest.
- Added support for text Snippets, including new Followup with snippet... command.
- Several additional bug fixes.
- Improvements to rules, including new notification and colorization options.
- Added colorize contextual menu, for highlighting text or background of row elements.
- New subscription option to override maximum number of messages to retrieve to prevent gaps.
- Numerous minor improvements and bug fixes.
- New subscription option to cache files or images until saved by user.
- Many improvements to image viewer.
- Fixed/improved context menus throughout.
- Share menus now work properly.
- Fixed potential sandbox errors in App Store version.
- Fixed UI glitch in message window.
- Fixed copy/paste functionality.
- Many bug fixes.
- Subscription list can now be collapsed into minimalist sidebar view.
- New sidebar view offers a light or dark theme.
- Copy command now enabled in message lists.
- Download Selected command will now open multiple connections as appropriate.
- Numerous minor bug fixes.
- Added location rules for fine control over where downloaded files are saved.
- The Copy Self alias feature now uses the correct From: address.
- Copy Self emails now contain the Newsgroups: header.
- Renamed the "Archive" toolbar button "Move".
- Added optional toolbar button "Copy", as well as "Copy to" and "Move to" menu items.
- The Download Filetype command now works correctly when in text mode.
- The delete button for NZB sets now works when the set is not selected.
- Fixed case where a message saved as draft could lose all text after quitting and restarting.
- The Queue and Kill Series commands now work correctly when the top-level file series row is selected.
- Fixed potential hang at the conclusion of retrieving new headers.
- Fixed hang displaying message window for message not in the currently shown subscription.
- Navigation in message window now enabled even when not in the current subscription.
- Updated message window toolbar icons.
- Subscription searches are no longer restored if the search term consists entirely of whitespace.
- Fixed UI glitch with progress indicator while retrieving headers.
- Fixed problem loading subscriptions containing very large number of newsgroups.
- Expansion state of threads is now preserved after retrieving new headers.
- Fixed parsing of date strings using non-English day of week abbreviations.
- Improved decoding of badly formatted UTF-8 quoted printable subject strings.
- Improved decoding of Asian charsets.
- Sorting messages by size now works correctly.
- New preference to always add nzb files to a user-specified folder.
- Fixed the incorrect wrapping of long lines of quoted text.
- Added Copy Self option to aliases.
- Added "Export as nzb..." command for selected files in message list.
- Updated SMTP code to support StartTLS connections on port 587.
- Added option to Hide Activity Window after all connections have finished.
- Column settings can now be adjusted by Cmd-clicking in the message list column headers.
- Improved performance loading image viewer for large subscriptions.
- Fixed the loading of secure "https" links directly in the message window.
- Fixed cases where toolbar buttons didn't update in response to completed network activity.
- Fixed potential crash when selecting Drafts or Sent in the Browser window.
- Fixed potential crash replying to a message.
- Original Poster now highlighted in threaded display.
- Number of replies now indicated in threaded display.
- Added pie-chart progress indicator to subscription list when retrieving headers.
- Added optional Score column to message lists.
- Updated unrar to the latest version so files archived with RAR v5 can now be unarchived.
- Root message in thread now displays "unread" icon if any message in thread is unread.
- Message restrictions now maintained when changing View or Mode.
- Subscriptions can now display unread, new, or ignored message counts, or amount of queued data.
- Purging subscriptions from memory now occurs in background thread to improve app responsiveness.
- Fixed potential hang whenever a rule deletes a message after downloading.
- Fixed drawing overlap problems in Activity window.
- Fixed incorrect information in Activity window when downloading switches subscription.
- Download command now respects multiple selections in the subscription list.
- Fixed post processing log displaying blank if it contains any ISO 8859-2 (Latin 2) special characters.
- Fixed the naming of series folders for downloaded files, broken in v5.05.
- Fixed tooltips not displaying for truncated text in certain situations.
- Fixed minor glitch whereby scroll position was not restored after loading subscription.
- Fixed clipping of bookmark button icon in Search view.
- Clicking Search tab now properly advances focus to WebView.
- Icons in thread tree no longer drawn upside down.
- Unchecking "Collapse threads and file series by default" in Preferences now works as expected.
- Fixed "Download Selected" command not working for collapsed threads and file collections.
- Fixed potential for multiple threads to run redundant par2 checks at the same time.
- Fixed crash unqueuing a collapsed file collection.
- Fixed serious performance issues with subscriptions containing a huge number of messages.
- Moved the loading of large subscriptions into background thread to keep app responsive.
- Fixed inability to retrieve headers from certain newsgroups with large article numbers.
- Fixed redraw anomaly and potential lag when expanding or collapsing threads.
- Fixed the stripping of the closing space in the signature delimiter when posting.
- Fixed crash resulting from badly formatted overview data from a specific news server.
- Updated some menu item names for clarity.
- Sped up the processing of new headers.
- Significant performance improvements with large subscriptions.
- Improved selection maintenance when switching between views and modes.
- Fixed display of message dates in nzb files.
- Threads are now expanded when navigating with the space bar.
- Changed default sort order for new subscriptions from subject to date.
- Bandwidth menu now uses turtle icon to indicate when bandwidth is limited.
- Fixed the ability to specify a custom default nzb search site in Search preferences.
- Fixed inability to delete last remaining digit in port field.
- Added support for specifying passwords for encrypted rar archives.
- Added commands for re-downloading files or entire nzb sets.
- Fixed potential crash closing outgoing message window.
- Clear command can now apply to multiple subscriptions at once.
- Added French localization.
- Fixed numerous problems displaying quoted-printable and ISO Latin-1 accented characters.
- Fixed additional cases of whitespace being stripped from saved drafts.
- Spaces in filenames are no longer translated to underscores when posting with uuencode.
- Improved message navigation via the space bar.
- Added warning if user attempts to post without an alias established in Preferences.
- Fixed the ability to check periodically for Hogwasher updates.
- Enlarged the message split view dimple and increased the grabbable area for resizing.
- Improved subject analysis for more accurate grouping of files into collections.
- Fixed crash deleting the last file collection in file mode/collection view.
- Fixed another redraw anomaly deleting file collections.
- Fixed Post Queued Messages potentially posting drafts that haven't yet been queued.
- Fixed removing the space in the signature divider when saving or posting drafts.
- Fixed the stripping of whitespace after punctuation when saving or posting drafts.
- Fixed Wrap Text adding extra newlines.
- Fixed Wrap Text skipping characters after quoted-printable soft line breaks.
- Fixed Wrap Text not inserting spaces in place of hard line breaks.
- Select None command now works as expected.
- Fixed potential crash from Delete Read Messages command.
- Fixed potential crash creating or opening message with custom headers.
- Assemble command is now functional while in text mode.
- Fixed random crashes that could occur after customizing toolbar.
- Sent messages are no longer editable.
- Fixed redraw anomalies after deleting files or collections.
- Improved maintenance of selections when merging collections.
- Fixed closing > delimiter of url links from being included in the actual url.
- Numerous other bug fixes.
- Many years in the making, rewritten from scratch, a modern Mac newsreader....